Key points in EAF/LF route steel making 电弧炉/精炼炉炼钢要点
Application: this document is applicable for three phase AC EAF with top charging by scrap basket and spout taping, and may also be taken as reference for modern EAF like Consteel, Quantum, Ecoarc, CISDI-Green, SHARC.
1. Typical structure and work flow of EAF
1. Typical data of 100% scrap charged EAF/LF steel making route
1. Raw materials preparation
3.1 Scrap is major raw materials for EAF steel making, and account for 55~80% of total cost, so its quality is directly related with finished steel quality, production cost and efficiency.
废钢是电炉钢炼钢的主要原料,一般占到总成本的55~80%, 所以废钢的质量直接关系到钢的质量、成本和生产效率。
3.2 Scrap shall be clean and free from heavy rust, grease and oil contamination;
3.3 Scrap shall not contain non-ferrous elements like lead/tin/zinc/cooper, slag, non-conducting materials, refractory and others.
3.4 For safety of production, scrap shall not contain sealed container, flammable and explosive and toxic materials.
3.5 Chemical composition of scrap shall be clear, no excess content of sulfur and phosphorus.
3.6 Size of scrap shall be suitable, say no more than 400x400mm in cross section, and no more than 1500mm in length of each piece.
废钢外形尺寸不能过大,截面积不宜超过400x400mm, 最大长度不宜超过1500mm。
3.7 Pig iron is usually charged to increase carbon content, no more than 30% of total burden.
2. Fettling
4.1 Usually after each heat, before materials charge, fettling is needed to repair furnace bottom, erosion part of slag line and other damaged part.
4.2 Quick fettling in high temperature to enable self-sintering of fettling material, firstly furnace door and two sides of tap hole, then heavily eroded bottom part under graphite electrode, finally other parts of furnace.
4.3 Fettling layer shall be thin ( 20~30mm thick) for quick self-sintering.
3. Raw materials charging and distribution
5.1 Before charging, limestone(grain size: <60mm)of about 1.5~2% of total burden weight shall lay down in furnace bottom, which is for slag forming in advance, early dephosphorization and speedy heating.
5.2 Carbon content shall be determined by burning loss of carbon in melting period, amount of decarbonization in oxidizing period, and recarburization amount in reducing period, basically, it shall be 0.3~0.6% higher than min. Level of finished steel in melt down period.
5.3 Principle: bottom dense, top loose; center uplift, around recess, no big and heavy materials in furnace door, for quick penetration and no bridge collapse.
5.4 Burden shall be dense enough and need reasonable collocation of heavy, medium and light scrap (usually, heavy scrap thickness≧15mm, 15mm>medium scrap thickness≧6mm, light scrap thickness≦4mm), say 15~20% of light scrap, 40~50% of medium scrap, 40% of heavy scrap.
During charging, 1/2 of light scrap shall lay down in bottom, above it ( in central part of EAF) heavy scrap, low carbon scrap and infusible materials shall be placed, then medium scrap shall be place above it and circumferential, finally, light scrap shall be place on the top.
炉料应密实,大、中、小料应合理搭配( 注:大料是厚度大于 15mm 的料,中料是厚度 6~15mm 的料,小料是厚度小于4mm 的料),一般小料占比15~20%, 中料占40~50%,大料占40% 。装料时,1/2小料放在底部,小料上方、炉子中心区放全部大料、低碳废钢和难熔料,中料装在大料上方及四周,大料最上方及中间放小料。
5.5 If graphite electrode breaks are used, it shall be in size of 50~100mm and placed in bottom part of each burden.
5.6 If the 2nd or 3th charging is needed, it shall be dry and done when the 1st burden in EAF are melt 70~90%;
4. Melting
6.1 Definition: it’s period from power on phase till that all burden are melt down, usually, it take 50~70% of total tap to tap time and 70~80% of total power consumption, so the key task of melting is to heat and melt burden with the min. power, given furnace life is guaranteed.
6.2 Melting can be classified into 4 steps, say: a) arc striking, b) penetration, c) lift of electrode or main meting period, d) melt down period.
熔化可以分为四个阶段,分别是 a) 起弧、b)穿井、c) 电极上升或者主熔、d) 熔清。
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6.2.1 Arc striking: medium voltage and 2/3 input of rated power of transformer is suggested for protection of furnace roof.
6.2.2 Penetration: it takes about 1/4 of total melting time, because arc is completely surrounded by scrap and little damage to lining, max. Power and current to be used.
穿井阶段:约占总熔化时间的1/4, 因电弧完全被炉料包围,使用最大功率供电。
6.2.3 lift of electrode or main meting period:it takes 50~70% of total melting time, molten pool is formed, still apply max. Power and current.
6.2.4 Melt down period:3/4 of charged materials has been melt, to avoid damage of roof and shell cased by strong radiation, medium voltage input is suggested.
6.3 Typical electricity supply:
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6.4 Oxygen-fuel burning can start when power is on.
1. Oxidizing period
7.1 Task: dephosphorization, degassing, removal of impurities
7.2 Principle: for oxidizing, firstly phosphorus, then carbon; in temperature, firstly low then high; in slag forming, firstly more slag for dephosphorization, then little slag for decarbonization; in oxygen supply, firstly iron ore or comprehensive oxidizing, lastly oxygen blowing.
7.3 Oxygen blowing 吹氧
7.3.1 Oxygen blowing shall start after 20 min. on power time, when charged materials are melt ≧80%; graphite electrode must be lifted during oxygen blowing;
7.3.2 Oxygen blowing shall be increased gradually, 0.6Mpa≦oxygen pressure≦0.8Mpa
7.3.3 Oxygen blowing under low temperature, solid material still in furnace and partial aeration is prohibited, to avoid materials collapse, violent boiling, bulge of furnace roof, liquid steel leakage, personal or equipment accident.
2. Reducing period
Definition: it’s time after skimming and before tapping, main task is to remove oxygen and sulfur, adjust temperature and chemical composition in liquid steel, prepare for casting.
* In modern EAF/LF route, whole reducing has been conducted in Lable Furnace refining process, so reducing atmosphere must be guaranteed during ladle furnace refining process, more operation key points can refer to below ladle furnace part. .
* 在现代粗炼-精炼炼钢流程中,全部还原期已经被转移到精炼炉中进行,因此务必保证精炼炉的还原氛围,更多操作要点请参考精炼炉操作部分。
3. Tapping:
9.1 Temperature of liquid steel: ≥ 1640℃
温度≥ 1640℃
9.2 Tap with reserve of liquid steel and slag, usually, reserve of liquid steel shall be 10~15% of total tap weight.
9.3 Argon stirring in ladle furnace shall be ready when ladle furnace are back to station after receiving liquid steel, pressure of Argon is 0.4~0.6Mpa and shall be adjusted accordingly to stirring situation.
出钢后钢包应立即接通氩气, 氩气压力为0.4 ~ 0.6Mpa, 氩气压力大小根据钢液搅拌效果进行调整,确保钢液搅拌良好。
9.4 During tapping, when 1/3 of total liquid steel is poured, formulated ferroalloy, deoxidizer and slag forming materials shall be added into liquid steel, while, amount of ferroalloy shall be based on min. content of certain steel grade, and slag forming materials in 10kg/mt.
出钢过程中,出钢到三分之一时,加入配好的合金、脱氧剂及渣料。 合金加入量按规格中该元素含量下限配入,渣料按吨钢10Kg 加入。
4. Ladle furnace refining
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Key points:
1.1 reducing atmosphere inside ladle furnace;
1.2 Good argon stirring from the bottom of furnace
10.3 Sub-merged arc heating
10.4 White slag refining
10.5 refining time no less than 35 mins
Thanks for your time and attention, because I am not metallurgical professional and just compile/edit this paper based on many known or unknown sources, there must be errors or misunderstanding in this article, welcome correction and further discussion.
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